Sunday, 27 September 2009
Taking a break from it all........
The lil man is getting more and more grown up every day! We took him to visit a home education group that operates in our area, which he loved. So we'll be bringing him there every week from now on.
Anyway, as I just don't get a chance to update this blog, I'm going to hand over the reigns to my husband for a little while, so expect the editorial angle to change!!
I'll pop back every now and then, when I can.
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
6 weeks on.....
Sorry it's been a while since I last updated, but with the demands of a newborn and 3 year old, there just aren't enough hours in the day at the moment!!
Anyway, we both had our 6 week check last week and have both been given the all clear! Isabella is getting really big! She is becoming a real character - very demanding!!
Well, I managed to take some pictures of our fabulous consultant with Isabella at my appointment. Here they are - don't they look fabulous together!!

We'll never be able to thank her enough for everything that she has done for us! She truly is the best! She's even going to come to Isabella's christening at the end of the month - which means a lot to us all.
Well, I've got a million things to organise for the christening - it's turning in to a major event! I'll try and update soon.
Bye for now xxx
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Introducing Isabella.................
I've managed to upload some pictures of Isabella and her big brother eventually!! So here they are...........

Sorry there aren't more, but I've only manages to upload them via my mobile as my camera won't work with my PC!!
Isabella and her big brother are getting on swimmingly. He is very protective over her and absolutely adores her. She is a little monkey...very vocal!! She loves her food and is certainly keeping us busy! Anyway, I'm off to sort her out now, sounds like she's calling me!!
LOL xxx
Sunday, 21 June 2009
She's Here....Happy Father's Day Daddy!!!
Hi All
That's right, she's here! What a wonderful present for Daddy on his special day!
Isabella arrived by C-section, as planned, on 18th June 2009. She weighed in at 7lb 7oz and is absolutely perfect! She screamed the operating theatre down the minute her head appeared.
She is beautiful. She sleeps most of the day, and enjoys being awake most of the night! Typical, eh?? We're just so happy to have her. Her big brother is totally smitten with her. He's turning out to be a fantastic big brother and a great little helper too! He wants to be involved in everything and we encourage that. We don't want him to feel left out and we want him to enjoy having his little sister around.
Anyway, I'm trying to sort out some piccies soon, but we have problems with the camera. Once I can, I'll post some of the new addition.
Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there.
LOL xxx