It was coming to the end of a long day for my son and husband on Thursday. They had walked a 5 1/2 mile round trip to the museum and hubby decided that he would bring the lil fella to the park for a kick about before coming to meet me from work. I should probably state at this point that the lil man is at a stage where he wants to do EVERYTHING himself, a real MR Independence!! Anyway, as they were going down the stairs to exit our building, Mr Independence decided that he wanted to do it by himself, pulled away from daddy and proceeded to descend. Before he had a chance to make it to the 2nd step, he lost his balance and went tumbling down the stairs (about 4 in all), and bumped his head. The poor man that lives downstairs threw his cup of hot drink all over himself trying to catch monkey boy before he fell! Luckily, the lil fella only sustained a couple of very minor bruises. He was upset for a few seconds (and I dare say a little embarrassed), but all in all he was fine. I do feel that he learned a valuable lesson though as he keeps saying that he has to be careful and holds our hand without a fight now!!
Anyway, we haven't really been up to much more than the usual lately. I've still got just under 3 long weeks until my next hospital appointments, which, I must admit, feels like an eternity!! Nevertheless, I am persevering!
LOL for now xxx