Just to update you, I had my 12 week scan yesterday. Everything went well. Bubs is now 57.5mm long and is doing fine so far. I'm going to be scanned again in 4 weeks time by the fetal medicine guy, so I'll be able to give an update on baby's progress then.
As far as I go, I'm still feeling pretty sick and tired! I thought this was supposed to have stopped by now! I'm not going to complain too much, because this can only be good, but it's a pregnant woman's perogative to complain every now and again!! And to top it all off, I think I'm getting a cold...great :(
Thank God, I'm on annual leave from Friday for 2 weeks for xmas. Still got lots to do, but the boy is sorted, which is most important!! Got the tree and the decorations up, so we're getting into the spirit of things. I think this xmas is going to be hard without our daughter, but we need to keep our spirits up, if only for our son's sake.
Anyway, as much doesn't really happen in my life (!), I'll try and make another update in a few days time or so.
Merry xmas to all
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