Monday, 19 January 2009


I've been looking around lately at the experience of some other families who have been diagnosed with a hydrops baby like mine. Many have opted, as I did, to fight for their baby's life. Some, however, have chosen to abort their baby. I personally have a hard time understanding this, primarily because I belive all life is sacred, no matter what. I also feel that the healing process and coming to terms with the situation is made easier if the pregnancy comes to a natural conclusion. And besides, even though the doctors say there is no chance, doesn't always mean they are right. Just ask some of the baby's out there who have survived inspite of the odds they were given!!

In addition, I am confused by taking this decision when a family have been told that there is no chance of survival. Surely it is more humane to all concerned to allow the baby to die naturally, as opposed to the alternative, which I understand is incredibly traumatic to both mum AND baby?

Many may not agree with me, but that's how I feel. I can appreciate how hard it is to come to a decision like that, but I personally could never end a pregnancy, regardless of what the outcome may be. That's just me. I'm not judging, just voicing an opinion.


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