Yes, that's right. The doctor told us on Friday that he couldn't see any boy bits so he believes we have another girl on the way! From a medical point of view, everything is looking good so far. I've got another scan next week, when I'll be 20 weeks, and this is when we'll have our anomaly scan.
We've already come up with a name-there's a bit of a story behind this. I was trawling the net looking for name ideas, when this one popped up and I fell in love with it. At exactly the same time, my husband was reading a book and the exact name was written on the back. He too fell in love with it. As he came into the room, I told him that I had found the perfect name. When I told him, he stood in shock as he said that he had just thought of the same name.........Isabella! Looks like this is the name for her! Now we're trying to think of a middle name. It's proving to be quite difficult. Still we've got plenty of time to do that.
So it's snowing today. To many other countries this is a simple dusting, but to us it's blizard conditions!! It was a nightmare getting to work, the car was sliding all over the place, thanks to our useless council who couldn't be bothered to grit the roads. Luckily, my boss took pity on me and let me go home a bit early. Normally, I love the snow, I'm kind of a big kid at heart, but today, I HATED it!! My son, however, was in his element as the snow came up to his knees. He thought it was fantastic (it's the first time he's seen 'proper' snow). He went to the park and had a good play, demolishing other people's snow men!! I'm sure they weren't too pleased! It's expected to become more icy tomorrow, so who knows what will happen!
I do have a couple of scan pictures, but I have to wait for hubby to sort out the scanner to upload them. Once he's done this, I will post them.