We're 20 weeks today!! This is quite a milestone for us. Not just for the obvious reason that we're at the half way point, but also because we've passed the point when my daughter was diagnosed with hydrops fetalis - 19 weeks and 2 days. We have our 20 week scan on Friday. I'm doing everything in my power not to get myself worked up about this, but I can't help being a nervous wreck. Once we've had the scan and the doctor has, hopefully, told us that everything is fine, maybe we can relax a little - although probably not!
So, we went shopping at the weekend. I tried to find some maternity clothes. Not much luck I'm afraid. I managed to get my son some fantastic dinosaur tops from BHS. They had a great offer on - 3 for 2. He loves dinosaurs! I also picked up a lovely pink blanket for Isabella - I couldn't help myself! There are so many gorgeous outfits out there for her, I'm doing everything in my power to resist buying them!!
Anyway, I'll check in after my scan and let you know how everything is going.

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