Saturday, 28 March 2009

Delivery date confirmed!!!

As I mentioned previously, I went and saw our consultant again yesterday. She seems happy with our progress so far. I told her that I've been having some major doubts about having a natural delivery, and so I've deceided to have an elective c-section. She was fine with this, and we've booked it for 18th June!! So looks like it's full steam ahead! At least now we have a definite date to work towards/look forward to and I'm not going to stress out about going in to labour!!

Anyway, as promised, here are a couple more pictures of Isabella......

So, my next appointment isn't for 4 WEEKS!! This is pretty scary for me as it's the longest I will have gone without seeing Isabella. I'm going to try and stay positive, and not panic every 5's hoping anyway!! I'll try and update again soon.....


Thursday, 26 March 2009

26 weeks 3 days and counting!!

I had another scan today. Everything went fine. Isabella is growing perfectly, and is measuring in at approximately 2lb 2oz. She is looking more and more gorgeous every time we see her!!

As we were getting ready to leave, the lil man got down from his seat and somehow, and I don't know how, he managed to do something to his foot which meant we had to spend the next 3+ hours in A&E getting xrays etc. Turns out he has a soft tissue injury. He wouldn't walk on it at all earlier, but seems to be getting on fine now. Kids eh!!

Anyway, I have another appointment with my consultant tomorrow morning, so will hopefull update again after that. I'll also try to remember to upload the scan picture, when I get a minute!!

LOL xxx

Friday, 13 March 2009


Today I had my next scan. There was a bit of a hiccup because we were told an appointment had been made with the Fetal Medicine Doctor, but it turned out that it was made with a sonographer. We weren't happy with this as the doctor had told us 4 weeks ago that he wanted to see us today for a growth scan. I tried to speak to one of the midwives that was at the desk, who, frankly, wasn't very helpful. I should probably state at this point that she and my husband do not get on very well as a result of a heated conversation they had when I was pregnant with my last daughter. Anyway, to keep the peace, and because we desperately wanted to see Isabella and make sure everything was ok, we conceded and had the scan with the sonographer. Thankfully, the sonographer we got was a lovely woman who knew us from before as she had been the lady who diagnosed my last baby with hydrops, and she had scanned us at 9 weeks in this pregnancy. She confirmed that everything is progressing perfectly. Isabella now weighs in at approximately 1 lb 10 oz!!
After we had the scan, we went downstairs to see our antenatal consultant. I think we only had to wait for about 10 minutes before we were called. Now, in the antenatal clinic there is a playhouse and slide that my son LOVES to play in. It is always a nightmare to get him out when it is time to go. Anyway, today when we were called, and, as usual, monster boy kicked up a big fuss, our consultant told him that she had a surprise for him. So off we went to her office. Once there, she brought out a HUGE dinosaur that she said she had brought in especially for him as she remembered how much he liked them. We thought she had brought it in for him to play with while we were at our appointment, but she had actually brought it in for him to keep!! How lovely is that!! She definitely is a lovely person and we are very lucky to have her as our consultant, and, we feel, as our friend.

Well I'm off to make hubby something to eat, before he starts chewing on the sofa!! Men eh???

I'll check in again soon with any updates.

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

Today is my husband's birthday. He's knocking on a bit 34 years old!! Think I'll have to trade him in for a younger model!! Only kidding dear;)

We (that is me and the monster boy!) woke him up at 07.30 this morning with a birthday cake (which my son made us eat some of!!) and presents. I got hubby a watercolour set (his new hobby) and my son got him a cookery book (he loves baking) and some choccies. No we are about to get ready and go out. So it's so far so good for daddy on his special day!!

Tomorrow is my next scan appointment and an appointment with my consultant. I'll check in again afterwards with an update.


Monday, 9 March 2009

To school, or not to school, that is the question???

As mentioned in a previous post, my husband has been toying with the idea of home schooling our son. He is becoming increasingly disenchanted with what he is reading about our school system, and the stories he hears from parents who have put their children in school, only to remove them again after some appalling experiences.

Now, as I also mentioned, I have not been too keen on the idea. However, after listening to what he has found, I am starting to come round to his way of thinking. However, I do still have many reservations. I worry that my son will not get the chance to mix with other children enough. Is it possible that there is a home schooling network that we could join so that he gets the benefit of mixing with other children combined with an education that we feel would be far more beneficial to him? I also worry about how our decision will be welcomed, particularly by our LEA who, I understand, give home schooling families a very hard time.

If anyone who reads my blog home schools their children, please share your experience here. Any advice and/or tips you can give will be warmly welcomed. If anyone has an opinion on this topic, please feel free to share!!


Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Hi There

Sorry for the delay in posting. Life is very busy at the moment!

I had my 22 week scan last Friday, and everything is progressing fabulously. Isabella is growing nicely, and everything looks as it should be! Here is the picture they took of her:

As promised, here is a copy of the scan picture they took at my 20 weeks scan (it's not brilliant I'm afraid!!) Sorry for not posting it sooner!!:

Anyway, as I say, things have been hectic at the moment. Work is very busy, and life at home is just the same! We've been buying a few bits for Isabella (I just can't help myself!!), but we're making sure that we include the little man. We don't want him feeling left out!

Well, I must go and sort out my washing (oh the joys of family life!!). I'll try and post again soon, when I get 5 minutes!!
