Monday, 9 March 2009

To school, or not to school, that is the question???

As mentioned in a previous post, my husband has been toying with the idea of home schooling our son. He is becoming increasingly disenchanted with what he is reading about our school system, and the stories he hears from parents who have put their children in school, only to remove them again after some appalling experiences.

Now, as I also mentioned, I have not been too keen on the idea. However, after listening to what he has found, I am starting to come round to his way of thinking. However, I do still have many reservations. I worry that my son will not get the chance to mix with other children enough. Is it possible that there is a home schooling network that we could join so that he gets the benefit of mixing with other children combined with an education that we feel would be far more beneficial to him? I also worry about how our decision will be welcomed, particularly by our LEA who, I understand, give home schooling families a very hard time.

If anyone who reads my blog home schools their children, please share your experience here. Any advice and/or tips you can give will be warmly welcomed. If anyone has an opinion on this topic, please feel free to share!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Thanks for your question also asked on my blog.

Here's a few things: If you never send your children to school you do not need to register with the LA as things are now. They are not obliged to visit and you are legally entitled NOT to have them in your home.
If you decide to register you will be offered visits by an Education Welfare Officer which you can accept or decline as you wish. If you decline you can (if you wish) send a report showing the education you are providing for your children.
You DO NOT have to follow the National Curriculum. (Who would want to?)
You can taylor the education that best suits your child.

Get in touch with your local home education group or contact Education Otherwise of AHED for advice on where there is a group. You will get to meet other families and can meet up either in a group or just with another family as and when it suits you.

The way it works for me is like this: There is a family with one school age child and a baby who see us on average twice a week. We work together. Then once a week we also meet with another family with two children for a History lesson every other friday and the other fridays a load of us get together for what I call 'Ladies Who Lunch' where the mums sit around my dining table getting support-sharing curriculum ideas and so on. The children get to play together and build relationships.
My group consists of children from babies to 10 yrs old and my older dd who is 15.

I think the climate means that all of us will be facing hostile LAs. Stand your ground as the law is on your side. You are the parent.

I can talk about home edding with a baby as well if you like ;)

I'll add more stuff as I think of it-or you can ask me more questions.