Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Hi There

Sorry for the delay in posting. Life is very busy at the moment!

I had my 22 week scan last Friday, and everything is progressing fabulously. Isabella is growing nicely, and everything looks as it should be! Here is the picture they took of her:

As promised, here is a copy of the scan picture they took at my 20 weeks scan (it's not brilliant I'm afraid!!) Sorry for not posting it sooner!!:

Anyway, as I say, things have been hectic at the moment. Work is very busy, and life at home is just the same! We've been buying a few bits for Isabella (I just can't help myself!!), but we're making sure that we include the little man. We don't want him feeling left out!

Well, I must go and sort out my washing (oh the joys of family life!!). I'll try and post again soon, when I get 5 minutes!!



jayneH said...

The scan pictures are so cute and so clear, keep up the blog i love reading how you are getting on,
jayne x

Anonymous said...

Lovely baby you have there. :)