Sunday, 27 September 2009
Taking a break from it all........
The lil man is getting more and more grown up every day! We took him to visit a home education group that operates in our area, which he loved. So we'll be bringing him there every week from now on.
Anyway, as I just don't get a chance to update this blog, I'm going to hand over the reigns to my husband for a little while, so expect the editorial angle to change!!
I'll pop back every now and then, when I can.
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
6 weeks on.....
Sorry it's been a while since I last updated, but with the demands of a newborn and 3 year old, there just aren't enough hours in the day at the moment!!
Anyway, we both had our 6 week check last week and have both been given the all clear! Isabella is getting really big! She is becoming a real character - very demanding!!
Well, I managed to take some pictures of our fabulous consultant with Isabella at my appointment. Here they are - don't they look fabulous together!!

We'll never be able to thank her enough for everything that she has done for us! She truly is the best! She's even going to come to Isabella's christening at the end of the month - which means a lot to us all.
Well, I've got a million things to organise for the christening - it's turning in to a major event! I'll try and update soon.
Bye for now xxx
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Introducing Isabella.................
I've managed to upload some pictures of Isabella and her big brother eventually!! So here they are...........

Sorry there aren't more, but I've only manages to upload them via my mobile as my camera won't work with my PC!!
Isabella and her big brother are getting on swimmingly. He is very protective over her and absolutely adores her. She is a little monkey...very vocal!! She loves her food and is certainly keeping us busy! Anyway, I'm off to sort her out now, sounds like she's calling me!!
LOL xxx
Sunday, 21 June 2009
She's Here....Happy Father's Day Daddy!!!
Hi All
That's right, she's here! What a wonderful present for Daddy on his special day!
Isabella arrived by C-section, as planned, on 18th June 2009. She weighed in at 7lb 7oz and is absolutely perfect! She screamed the operating theatre down the minute her head appeared.
She is beautiful. She sleeps most of the day, and enjoys being awake most of the night! Typical, eh?? We're just so happy to have her. Her big brother is totally smitten with her. He's turning out to be a fantastic big brother and a great little helper too! He wants to be involved in everything and we encourage that. We don't want him to feel left out and we want him to enjoy having his little sister around.
Anyway, I'm trying to sort out some piccies soon, but we have problems with the camera. Once I can, I'll post some of the new addition.
Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there.
LOL xxx
Monday, 15 June 2009
D-Day is almost here!!
2 days to go, and I don't mind saying that I'm terrified!! I'm convincing myself that something will go wrong with the c-section and that I won't make it. I've had one before, so I know what to expect, but that doesn't stop me from being scared. I have total faith in my consultant, she is fantastic, but there is a niggling voice chipping away at my confidence. I'm sure it will all be fine and that I'm just over usual!
I think we're almost ready for our little arrival. Her clothes are clean and ironed. Bags are almost packed. We're going food shopping on Wednesday to keep the fella's going while I'm in hospital and for a few days after I come home.
Hubby painted a corner of our bedroom pink and made it all girly for when Isabella comes home. He wanted to make everything nice for her! I have to admit, before it was done I thought he was being a bit OTT, but it does look lovely. Very girly!!
Anyway, We're off to the seaside in a bit. We want to take the lil man out somewhere nice before Thursday. I'll try and post again soon.
LOL xxxxx
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Sorry it's been a while!!!!
Hi Y'all
Sorry I haven't written in a while, but we've been going through a very difficult time lately, lots has happened, and I just haven't had the chance.
Well, it's a little over a week until the big day arrives, and I don't mind admitting that I'm getting a bit nervous now!! We're nearly ready for our new arrival. The pink paint is up and the clothes are washed and pressed. We're just waiting for a new crib to be delivered as the one we were sent was in a sorry state!
I've been off work for a week already. I've been enjoying the time off. We've been going for walks in the forest (which, I thought, had brought on labour the other day!!), and been doing some last minute shopping. I even managed to get to my boss' works hen party last week, which was nice.
Anyway, I'm not sure when I will be able to check in again. So much is still happening and time is very scarce. However, when I can, I will.
LOL xxx
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
One Year on......
Today is exactly one year since my baby girl passed away. It has been quite a surreal day. Difficult in many ways. We have found it very difficult to get going today, and only made it out of the house after lunch. We went to the cemetary, just to spend some time with our little angel. The lil man stayed asleep for most of the time...typical eh?!!! We're going to release a balloon at 8pm to mark the time when we believe she passed away. Saturday marks one year since our baby was born. Two very difficlut days that we will have to deal with for the rest of our lives..........
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Losing a friend.........
Today was quite a sad day for me. A friend of mine, someone I worked closely with, passed away on 13th April, and I attended her funeral today. She had been battling cancer of the pancreas for 2 years. She was a very brave and determined woman and will be deeply missed by all who knew her. I, for one, will miss our long chats and the incredibly helpful advice she would give me, especially about my son. I always felt I could turn to her for advice, and always trusted that what she told me was right.
RIP dear Georgina. Gone but never forgotten.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Happy Birthday Lil Man!!
Today is the lil man's 3rd birthday! He woke up this morning to a room filled with baloons and lots of presents. He is a very happy boy!
It's amazing how quickly time goes by. I'm a little bit sad in a way because my baby is getting so big so quickly!! Alas, we cannot avoid them growing up and have to make the most of the time we have together before they grow up and leave the nest (so to speak)!!
Anyway, we're off to watch one of his new Thomas DVD's and have some breakfast.
LOL xxx
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Happy Easter!!
Happy Easter everyone!!
A lot has happened since last Easter, especially the passing of our beautiful daughter. Somehow, we have managed to get through that incredibly difficult time and now celebrate this Easter with hope and anticipation for the future.
We have just come back from mass and are now preparing for our Easter meal before we go visit my in-laws. The lil man was given an Easter egg at the end of mass by the priest (they give alll the children an egg every year), which he didn't let go of all the way home. Needless to say, by the time we got home, the egg was all but a pile of mush! I managed to persuade him to let me put it in the fridge because luckily, I had another one on standby!!
Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful Easter day.
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Lil man learns a valuable lesson......
It was coming to the end of a long day for my son and husband on Thursday. They had walked a 5 1/2 mile round trip to the museum and hubby decided that he would bring the lil fella to the park for a kick about before coming to meet me from work. I should probably state at this point that the lil man is at a stage where he wants to do EVERYTHING himself, a real MR Independence!! Anyway, as they were going down the stairs to exit our building, Mr Independence decided that he wanted to do it by himself, pulled away from daddy and proceeded to descend. Before he had a chance to make it to the 2nd step, he lost his balance and went tumbling down the stairs (about 4 in all), and bumped his head. The poor man that lives downstairs threw his cup of hot drink all over himself trying to catch monkey boy before he fell! Luckily, the lil fella only sustained a couple of very minor bruises. He was upset for a few seconds (and I dare say a little embarrassed), but all in all he was fine. I do feel that he learned a valuable lesson though as he keeps saying that he has to be careful and holds our hand without a fight now!!
Anyway, we haven't really been up to much more than the usual lately. I've still got just under 3 long weeks until my next hospital appointments, which, I must admit, feels like an eternity!! Nevertheless, I am persevering!
LOL for now xxx
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Delivery date confirmed!!!
Anyway, as promised, here are a couple more pictures of Isabella......

So, my next appointment isn't for 4 WEEKS!! This is pretty scary for me as it's the longest I will have gone without seeing Isabella. I'm going to try and stay positive, and not panic every 5's hoping anyway!! I'll try and update again soon.....
Thursday, 26 March 2009
26 weeks 3 days and counting!!
As we were getting ready to leave, the lil man got down from his seat and somehow, and I don't know how, he managed to do something to his foot which meant we had to spend the next 3+ hours in A&E getting xrays etc. Turns out he has a soft tissue injury. He wouldn't walk on it at all earlier, but seems to be getting on fine now. Kids eh!!
Anyway, I have another appointment with my consultant tomorrow morning, so will hopefull update again after that. I'll also try to remember to upload the scan picture, when I get a minute!!
LOL xxx
Friday, 13 March 2009

Thursday, 12 March 2009
Happy Birthday Daddy!!!
We (that is me and the monster boy!) woke him up at 07.30 this morning with a birthday cake (which my son made us eat some of!!) and presents. I got hubby a watercolour set (his new hobby) and my son got him a cookery book (he loves baking) and some choccies. No we are about to get ready and go out. So it's so far so good for daddy on his special day!!
Tomorrow is my next scan appointment and an appointment with my consultant. I'll check in again afterwards with an update.
Monday, 9 March 2009
To school, or not to school, that is the question???
Now, as I also mentioned, I have not been too keen on the idea. However, after listening to what he has found, I am starting to come round to his way of thinking. However, I do still have many reservations. I worry that my son will not get the chance to mix with other children enough. Is it possible that there is a home schooling network that we could join so that he gets the benefit of mixing with other children combined with an education that we feel would be far more beneficial to him? I also worry about how our decision will be welcomed, particularly by our LEA who, I understand, give home schooling families a very hard time.
If anyone who reads my blog home schools their children, please share your experience here. Any advice and/or tips you can give will be warmly welcomed. If anyone has an opinion on this topic, please feel free to share!!
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Sorry for the delay in posting. Life is very busy at the moment!
I had my 22 week scan last Friday, and everything is progressing fabulously. Isabella is growing nicely, and everything looks as it should be! Here is the picture they took of her:
As promised, here is a copy of the scan picture they took at my 20 weeks scan (it's not brilliant I'm afraid!!) Sorry for not posting it sooner!!:
Anyway, as I say, things have been hectic at the moment. Work is very busy, and life at home is just the same! We've been buying a few bits for Isabella (I just can't help myself!!), but we're making sure that we include the little man. We don't want him feeling left out!
Well, I must go and sort out my washing (oh the joys of family life!!). I'll try and post again soon, when I get 5 minutes!!
Friday, 20 February 2009
Quick hello!
Sorry for the delay in posting again, but I've been quite busy this week! I just wanted to update you on my scan last week, which went swimmingly! Everything is looking good, and the doctor is happy with Isabella's progress. I'm having another reassurance scan next week, and then a growth scan 2 weeks later. So far, it's all system's go!
He did give us another scan picture, which I will eventually get around to posting...along with the other one I promised!!
Anyway, as I said, it's been busy this week. Lots of things happening at once, doesn't give you much time for anything else! I will try and post again in a few days. Sorry for the short post!
Monday, 9 February 2009
Half way there!!
So, we went shopping at the weekend. I tried to find some maternity clothes. Not much luck I'm afraid. I managed to get my son some fantastic dinosaur tops from BHS. They had a great offer on - 3 for 2. He loves dinosaurs! I also picked up a lovely pink blanket for Isabella - I couldn't help myself! There are so many gorgeous outfits out there for her, I'm doing everything in my power to resist buying them!!
Anyway, I'll check in after my scan and let you know how everything is going.
Monday, 2 February 2009
It's a GIRL!!!!!!
We've already come up with a name-there's a bit of a story behind this. I was trawling the net looking for name ideas, when this one popped up and I fell in love with it. At exactly the same time, my husband was reading a book and the exact name was written on the back. He too fell in love with it. As he came into the room, I told him that I had found the perfect name. When I told him, he stood in shock as he said that he had just thought of the same name.........Isabella! Looks like this is the name for her! Now we're trying to think of a middle name. It's proving to be quite difficult. Still we've got plenty of time to do that.
So it's snowing today. To many other countries this is a simple dusting, but to us it's blizard conditions!! It was a nightmare getting to work, the car was sliding all over the place, thanks to our useless council who couldn't be bothered to grit the roads. Luckily, my boss took pity on me and let me go home a bit early. Normally, I love the snow, I'm kind of a big kid at heart, but today, I HATED it!! My son, however, was in his element as the snow came up to his knees. He thought it was fantastic (it's the first time he's seen 'proper' snow). He went to the park and had a good play, demolishing other people's snow men!! I'm sure they weren't too pleased! It's expected to become more icy tomorrow, so who knows what will happen!
I do have a couple of scan pictures, but I have to wait for hubby to sort out the scanner to upload them. Once he's done this, I will post them.
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Touching base......
I've only got one more day before my next scan, which I'm excited but VERY nervous about. I'm praying that all will be fabulous, and that with a bit of luck, we'll get to find out the baby's sex.
Anyway, my husband and I have been discussing our options regarding my son's education. I would prefer him to go to school, but my husband is very interested in home schooling him. I'm not too keen on this, but he has been doing a lot of research in to it and is growing more and more in favour of this. So, if possible, can you give me your opinion on this subject. I'd especially like to hear from parents who have home schooled or are considering home schooling. All opinions will be warmly welcomed!
Will update with details of the next scan etc.....
Saturday, 24 January 2009
The potty antics continue.....
Now to the difficult bit, how do I get him to go outside without a nappy on, keep dry and tell me when he needs to go? I've been using training pants wherever possible, but he doesn't tell me that he needs to go, he just goes! Any suggestions are very welcome!
So, today we're going to the cemetary to tend to my daughters grave. It's nice to be able to visit and spend time with her, but at the same time, an awful experience that no one should have to go through. Nevertheless, this is something that we must do as her parents. We will never forget, nor neglect her.
I'm back to work on Monday after a restful week off. I can certainly say that I'm not looking forward to it! I've been getting used to pottering around, spending time with my husband and son and generally just chilling. Oh well, that's life eh?
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Bubba says hello.....
The first kick is at 12 secs, the second (the one I felt!) is at 20 secs, and the third is at 44 secs.
By they way, I mentioned previously that my next scan was on the 26th. Well, I received a call from the hospital informing me that my consultant won't be in on that day, so they've moved my appointment to the 30th. I was a bit gutted because it means I have to wait an extra 4 days before we get to see bubba again. Oh well,will give you an update then.
Monday, 19 January 2009
In addition, I am confused by taking this decision when a family have been told that there is no chance of survival. Surely it is more humane to all concerned to allow the baby to die naturally, as opposed to the alternative, which I understand is incredibly traumatic to both mum AND baby?
Many may not agree with me, but that's how I feel. I can appreciate how hard it is to come to a decision like that, but I personally could never end a pregnancy, regardless of what the outcome may be. That's just me. I'm not judging, just voicing an opinion.
Moving along nicely........

If you take a close look, especially at the first picture, you can see the baby has their hand on their face!! You can just make out the fingers!!
Monday, 12 January 2009
Another peek at bubba....
I didn't manage to get a picture today as my monster son was causing mayhem in the scan room, and it was all I and my husband could do to get the scan done without the room being demolished!! Boys will be boys eh?!!!
I did manage to get a picture at the last scan a couple of weeks ago, so I'll try and post that one soon. I've got another scan in a couple of weeks time, so will try to get a picture then.
Other developments in my world include my gorgeous son starting to use the potty!! As long as we leave his bottoms off, he uses the potty no probs, but as soon as we put pants on, he pee's everywhere! So now we've got to teach him that pants are not nappies!!! I'm so proud of him getting this far in only a couple of days!! He'll get the hang of the rest soon, I'm sure!!
Anyway, will try and get that scan picture uploaded soon, and will update after the appointment on Friday.
Thursday, 1 January 2009
The soothing sound of a tiny heart.....
While I'm writing, I'd just like to say to anyone condsidering purchasing a doppler, this is by far one of the best purchases I have ever made, and would recommend buying one to anyone. As you know, I'm 14 weeks at present and have been able to hear the heartbeat perfectly, and I'm not a thin person!! This doppler is brilliant!
Anyway, here is the heartbeat.........